Personal part of my life
Before Jack Scalia was a model-turned actor, he worked as a live dealer at a casino and when he became a little older he then became a professional athlete. Sports are still very much a part of Jack’s life but his passion for baseball started as a kid on the sports crazed streets of Brooklyn, where his paternal Dad, a semi-pro baseball player, taught Jack the basic of the game.
Jack became an exceptional High School and Collegiate athlete. He was an All American in basketball and baseball through out his time at Brentwood High School in Long Island, New York and at the University of Ottawa in Kansas City.
His dreams came true when he became the 1st draft pick (3rd in the country) pitcher for the Montreal Expos. Jack was an incomparable pitcher with a blazing fastball that dominated hitters in almost every game. While still in the minors, Jack injured his back. He was prescribed medicine to dull the pain.
The pain was eased, but his pitching mechanics were compromised. Favoring his back, he began putting undue stress on his throwing arm. In the third inning of the last game of the season, Jack heard his shoulder capsule snap. Sadly, today such an injury could be overcome with the help of our advancements in sports medicine.
Next, when Jack’s modeling career took off, he found other ways to keep fit. Jack became a dedicated runner of marathons, running up to 60 miles a week when training for a race.
He entered the “Liberty to Liberty” triathlon which comprised a 1.5 mile swim across the Hudson River, a 100-mile ride from the Statue of Liberty to Philadelphia and a 10-mile run to the Liberty Bell. Two days before the triathlon, he had a collision in Central Park while he was cycling. He was diagnosed with a traumatized spine but after some physical therapy that included intense manipulation of the soft-tissue in the area and plenty of determination, Jack was ready to compete. He finished 77th overall, and just four minutes off his goal.
Once acting took over as a major part of his life, he again switched up his regime and started to play at online casinos and became a master player. He found ways to incorporate his physical fitness in the preparation for any new acting role.
He has trained with Spinning founder, Johnny G and has achieved the status of “European Master Presenter”. He taught Spinning with Johnny at the Rimini Expo in Rome, Italy. This expo was attended by over 1000 riders and took place at the historic Stadio Olimpico. He shares his thrill for spinning by continuing to teach classes in Los Angeles. It comes as no surprise that his daughters, Jacqueline and Olivia are also accomplished athletes. Olivia has triumphed on the basketball court and Jacqueline has enjoyed success as an equestrian and as a basketball player.

Jack Scalia