The dangers of irresponsible gambling
1. “All my life savings are gone.”
Gambling used to be a typical activity for elders or at least grownups; nowadays, though, it is not uncommon to see young people indulge in gambling.
At only thirteen, Adam was already addicted to gambling. Occasionally he would skip school to go to the dinner arcades, and during weekends he would spend his full time on slot machines using his pocket money. According to Adam, everything was very okay with his new found passion for gambling at first. In fact, by the time he graduated, he made a lot of money and even acquired a job in one of the pubs as a glass collector. He would later rise to be one of the stewards; this meant that even his wages went up, and so did the gambling. His voracity pushed him to step up to high-level gambling, and that is where his woes began. Video slots became his thing. He started with £2 a spin, but gradually increased the stakes. Before knowing, he was losing £100 with every turn of the reels.
When Adam lost £11,000 on gambling, that’s when everything in his life began to crumble. The money was part of his life-saving account: from savings of £17,000, he ended up with only £6000 before even realizing. The savings was supposed to go towards his new house the following year. His family would not understand. He was devastated and brought to his knees.
Making matters worse, Adam decided to gamble one more time, in a desperate attempt to salvage his lost money. He borrowed some cash form his friends and gave it a shot; unfortunately, fate was not on his side – he ended up on the losing side again, having lost another £8,000, on top of his previous losses, bringing his total loss to almost £20,000.
To avoid going down on the same path as Adam, signup with Bitcoin, and learn how to gamble responsibly.
2. He lost his wife in gambling
Sports betting is one of the fastest rising gambling platforms across the globe. However, it is anything but drama-free.
Yudhshthir, an Indian man, decided to put his wife as a stake in a betting game. He made this decision after losing all his money in gambling and didn’t have any other option, so he settled on his wife.
The couple had been married for about five years, and was doing pretty well for themselves: Yudhshthir’s wife was running a boutique shop where people could also trade in jewellery. One day, Yudhshthir asked his wife to hand over some jewellery and other valuables, a request to which she complied, not knowing what he intended to do with the items. Only later on, when such claims were becoming a habit, she realized that her husband was indulging into drinking and gambling with the proceeds of the boutique. Upon a closer look, she also noticed that Yudhshthir had been selling their household stuff and other valuables from their house to support his destructive gambling habits.
Shockingly enough, it was discovered that he been planning to sell their very own house before the fiasco of losing his wife in betting emerged. It took the intervention of social activists to settle the matter.
3.Jodie; Gambling landed her to prison
When she was 25, Jodie Nealley quit the addiction of three packs of cigarette per day, and when she knocked 37, she quit heavy drinking. Unfortunately, she then realized that she was slowly losing her joy and feeling empty. Time went by as she struggled along, until one day back in 2005, when she attended a conference in a casino. It was a day that would change her life, and not for the better, as it only took a lucky round of slots that earned her a nice win to trigger a passion for gambling. With the fresh taste of victory and an appetite for more gains, Jodie started gambling more and more, having become addicted very fast.
Soon she was regularly going to local casinos. She had built strong tolerance for gambling such that quarter slots weren’t good enough, dollar slots weren’t fascinating either. Within six months, Jodie was playing $100 slots, which was the highest available. Then it dawned on her that, within those six months of intense gambling, she had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. She went through her home equity line, all of the credit cards, and borrowed from everyone who could give her money.
She firmly believed that she would eventually hit it big and get back all the money she had lost. This was not forthcoming. When she ran out of legitimate sources of money, she resorted to stealing from her employer, and before she knew it, she landed in prison. She was sentenced for two years. If Jodie had signup on Bitcoin and gambled responsibly, she wouldn’t have gone through all that mess.